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Receipt for a hundred florins – January 1, 1821

Single page, 6.5 x 15.7 cm. – Iasi Printing House

One unallocated contribution receipt for the optional loan asked by Filiki Etaireia in early 1821 for the needs of the Revolution, addressed to wealthy Greeks. The amount of 100 Dutch florins was sizeable, corresponding to 1,475 grossi coins, enough to pay for the bread needed for 200 soldiers during a month. Filiki Etaireia had sent a thousand such receipts to the Peloponnese in January, obviously calculating that there would be around 40 wealthy people who would afford this amount. The receipts were signed by Alexandros Ypsilantis, General Commissioner of the Authority, or his brother Nikolaos in his place. This receipt is signed by Alexandros Ypsilantis himself.

Filimon Archive, Φλ 244



Receipt for a hundred florins − January 1, 1821.

Single page, 7.8 x 15.5 cm. – Iasi Printing House

One more unallocated contribution receipt for the optional loan asked by Filiki Etaireia in early 1821 (see No 1). Instead of signature: “instead of G.[eneral] C.[ommissioner] N. Ypsilantis”.

Filimon Archive, Φλ 255



To expatriate liberal Greeks! – In Hydra on 12 June 1821, Dimitrios Ypsilantis plenipotentiary of the General Commissioner.

Single page, 25.5 x 17.3 cm. – Kalamata Printing House

Proclamation by Dimitrios Ypsilantis right after his arrival to Greece during the revolution. It was printed in Kalamata around late July and early August 1821. The location (Hydra) and the date (12.6.1821) at the end of the text signify where and when Ypsilantis signed the document.

Archive of Printed Documents, Ε 170



Military Laws – These laws were reprinted by the national Printing House in kalamata on 30 July first year of freedom (1821) / Oath.

Single page, 26 x 18.5 cm. – Kalamata Printing House

A reprint of the two texts, Military Laws and Oath, which were first published on 7 March 1821 by Alexandros Ypsilantis when he camped in Tirgovisti. The oath was to bind the soldier whose name would be filled on the blank, to abide by the “military laws” that were printed on the other side. There is no evidence that this practice was indeed implemented.

Archive of Printed Documents, Ε 169


In June 1821, Dimitrios Ypsilantis went to Hydra, and about that time the equipment for the first printing house of the Revolution also arrived in Greece. That first printing press in Kalamata, housed in a mosque, started to operate very soon, in July of that year. Konstantinos Tompras, an experienced printer from Kydonies, in cooperation with Anastasios Nikolaidis, was charged with its operation. One of the first works to be published was the newspaper titled Σάλπιγξ Ἑλληνικὴ [Greek Trumpet] edited by Theoklitos Farmakidis. Yet, the printing house in Kalamata was short-lived. After the fall of Tripoli on 23 September, K. Tompras transferred the printing house there and then to Argos.
