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Ioannis Gennadius – biography sketch, artist book, 2010.
Sixteen monotypes with oil on somerset paper


Doridos 1- Saturn, 2018, book-art work.
Digital printing, charcoal and pastel on paper, 30x21x202 cm


Herse, New Year’s pies and more-the Asia Minor Christmas festive dinning.
Scratch drawings with ink on carton (book cover and illustrations), Babis Leggas bookbinding publishers, Athens, 1998.


Herse, New Year’s pies and more-the Asia Minor Christmas festive dinning.
Scratch drawings with ink on carton (book cover and illustrations), Babis Leggas bookbinding publishers, Athens, 1998.


Synaxarion of the twelve days of Christmas.
Scratch drawings with ink on carton (illustrations), Babis Leggas bookbinding publishers, Athens, 1998.


Synaxarion of the twelve days of Christmas.
Scratch drawings with ink on carton (illustrations), Babis Leggas bookbinding publishers, Athens, 1998.


Georges Vizyinos, Moskov Selim.
Scratch drawings with ink on paper (book cover and illustrations), Foinikas publications, Athens 2002.


Stratis Myrivilis, The Country of Statues.
Scratch drawings with ink on carton  Selection of stories from the four coloured books. Hestia Bookshop Publishers, Athens, 2019.


Stratis Myrivilis, The Country of Statues.
Scratch drawings with ink on carton  Selection of stories from the four coloured books. Hestia Bookshop Publishers, Athens, 2019.


Symeon the new theologian, Mystical prayer.
Scratch drawings with ink on carton (frontispiece, book cover and new typography font),
Foinikas publications, Athens, 2001.


Stratis Myrivilis, Small Fires (collection of poems in Greek).
Scratch drawings with ink on carton. Book cover,
frontispiece and illustrations. Hestia Bookshop Publishers, Athens, 2019.